Slice Fresh vs. Tempered product - There is no need to temper the product 'just right' for slicing, as the SS-10 slices meat perfectly at 30F-40F.
Extremely fast - Capacities up to 10,000 pounds per hour!
Large in-feed - The SS-10 can handle product up to 12"wide x 8"tall. Slice large whole muscle cuts with ease.
Food Safety - Simple, sanitary design without conveyors or multiple parts. No tools needed to break down and clean with high pressure. Literally a FRACTION of the parts of other slicers.
Compact size - Small footprint for 10K pounds per hour
Accuracy - Perfect slice thickness, unlike other slicers that rely on pressures, belt movements, tempered product, etc
Cost-effective - Pricing is determined by slice thickness, our customers say that ROI is less than six months! Competition is much higher in cost, much slower, difficult to clean, and harder to maintain... Call for a test!